I EcoHeritage National Meeting – Portugal

This November 23, the Portuguese team of the EcoHeritage Project, through the Department of Museology ULHT and MINOM Portugal, has organized the I EcoHeritage National Meeting.

The Meeting invited researchers, people interested in the topic and especially the 18 ecomuseums and community museums engaged in the Project to share with them the results and reports of this first phase.

The EcoHeritage national team, coordinated by Professor Mário Moutinho, presented the structure of the Erasmus + consortium [2020-1-ES01-KA204-082769], indicators of the work developed, data collection and processing, next steps, and made available first-hand the Transnational Report, which was formulated by the Research team from Museology ULHT and which will soon be published here, on the Project website, in English and 4 more languages of the partner countries.

People from Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, the United States and Argentina gathered for a constructive discussion on how to continue working together and in a network.

The next EcoHeritage product is scheduled for February 2022, when the second edition of the Meeting should be organized, keep an eye on it!

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Nº: 2020-1-ES01-KA204- 082769

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