ICOM Europe Conference 2021
MUSEOEUROPE 2021 “Living in Europe”
14-15 October 2O21
In 2021, MUSEOEUROPE project will be link up with ICOM Europe, hosting an annual conference, under the theme LIVING IN EUROPE. The focus will be on the living environment of both individuals and communities as expressed in cultural heritage.
EcoHeritage’s Portuguese team (Department of Museology ULHT and MINOM Portugal) will be presenting a communication titled “First steps of the project ‘Ecoheritage: ecomuseums as a collaborative approach to recognition,
management and protection of cultural and natural heritage'”.
The speech acts in the dissemination of the results of the first product of the project, which is the Transnational Report.
Our team will be live on the 14th, Thursday, at 10:10 am (CET), through the link: https://youtu.be/gNenPeembH0.
The symposium is organized by ICOM Europe, ICOM Slovenia, ICOM Austria, ICOM Italy and ICOM South East Europe and it will have contributions on interpretation of heritage, archaeology, history, fine art, applied art, architecture, music and so on.
Communications will be grouped into four sections:
- Public and intimate living spaces;
- Social changes and the family;
- Food and drinks from local to global;
- Impact of migration on arts, crafts, architecture and on music
See the full schedule:
Documents for downloading in Conference website: www.museoeurope.com
For any further information:
museoeurope@museum-mb.si or phone: +386 (0)2 228 35 51