About EEON
We welcome all community based museums, Institutions and professionals to join the European Ecomuseums Online Network (EEON)! The EEON brings ecomuseums together to work towards the goals and challenges of the community museology. All organizations and professionals are welcome; no matter where you are on your journey, we can take the next steps together.
Join The EEON
To join for free the EEON, we ask you to complete our short application form. Here you be asked to:
- Recognize that ecomuseums and community museumscan play an important social role by preserving, protecting and promoting cultural and natural heritage, contributing to the sustainable development of local communities and to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
- Declare one or more focus areas.
- Communicate projects and tools related to your goal progress in those focus areas.
- Optionally, choose additional goals to share information about.
Once you’ve completed the form, a member of our staff will be in touch with you. If you have any questions, please write us:
Update Your Profile
The EEON created a personal public space where institutions and professionals can update the network about goal pursuits, focus area shifts, new initiatives and more. If you would like to update any of your in your profile, please go to your profile area.
Frequently Asked Questions
That’s okay! The EEON welcomes every institution and professionals that work in community based museology. No matter where they are on their action journey. The EEON was created to help support institutions, discuss and collaborate to maximize cultural impacts, and your next steps can begin right now.
The EEON only requires a desire to create actions within your institution or community. You’ll get the most out of the EEON by keeping up with our forums and group, training projects and newsletters, but your degree of involvement is self-defined and flexible.
Because working together makes challenging projects easier! When you’re ready to pursue a community museum goal, the EEON is here to connect you with someone who is working on similar efforts so that you can share best practices, brainstorm and learn alongside one another.
If you don’t live or work in Europe, but you would like to join the network, please register as professional.