On December 1st, during the closing event of the celebrations for 50 years of ecomuseology in Italy organized by Rete Ecomusei Italiani, our Italian partner from Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago, Raul dal Santo, presented the EcoHeritage Project during his speech “The local, national and international commitment of the Lombard ecomuseums”.
For our happiness, one of our great references in museology, Hugues de Varine, also mentioned the Project as a useful practice of international cooperation!
In a communication that is available at:
They were also part of the panel “50 years of Ecomuseology: the Lombard Ecomusei compared to national and international experiences” other relevant names, such as Simona Martino, Stefano Bruno Galli, Alberto Garlandini, Grazia Aldovini and Edo Bricchetti.
Proceedings will be published soon!

For more information: https://sites.google.com/view/ecomuseiitaliani/home.