Cooperation agreements for the sustainable use of living heritage


The aim of Parabiago ecomuseum is not only the realization of participatory activities, but also to trigger cooperation agreements with citizens, for the care, management, and regeneration of the cultural heritage and the landscape. 

The Ecomuseum arrange human resources, skills and personal knowledge of its partners that are working together with full independence. Through cooperation agreements, the network of stakeholders can build a community and new energies can be released and valued in the community itself. In this way, the Parabiago ecomuseum became a tool of “shared administration” of living heritage and common goods.

The Ecomuseum became facilitator that make people able to release energies, and share resources inside the community itself, for the common interest. The agreements that were concluded in Italy were both formal and informal. Some ecomuseums approved regulations for the active citizenship participation and the shared administration of living heritage.

This is a important development of the community participation idea, according to the movement that in Italy tried to apply and promote the shared administration of common goods and the subsidiarity principle.

The process requires people EMPOWERMENT that is a learning process that enables people to learn about their heritage and  landscape and to use them for local development and subsidiarity which consist in identifying the right actors and the best level for action that is consistent with the issues resolution.

How are we doing this?

  1. The ecomuseum empowers human resources, skills and personal knowledge of its partners 
  2. A partner proposes an idea 
  3. The Ecomuseum and the partner develop the idea and design the project
  4. The Ecomuseum and the partner define and sign a cooperation agreement 
  5. The partner works with full independence with the help of the ecomuseum

According to this logic the ecomuseum carries out not only their “own” projects or events; it also help and empower citizens to carry out heritage based projects that are in line with the long term participation plan of the ecomuseum.

Support material

The Parabiago ecomuseum web site reports the regulation, the guidelines to activate the agreements (see image below), the request form to activate an agreement, the activated agreements. ( )



Do you like to try this?

Expected/desirable stage of the ecomuseum: already developed ecomuseum/ ecomuseum in progress/ community with intention to start an ecomuseum 

Target people (or target entities) of the tool: students, adults, associations, enterprises, institutions

Implementation time: 12 -18 months for the regulamentation – from 2 and more months to design and realize a cooperation agreement

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Nº: 2020-1-ES01-KA204- 082769

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