Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago


Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago

User Type




Contact Name

Raul Dal Santo

Contact Email

Contact Phone



Date of Creation



The ecomuseum of Parabiago is a cultural institution recognized by the Lombardy Region in 2008. It aims to make the landscape fully and clearly legible to the local communities and the visitors. Learning to see and understand the places around us are needed to take care of them and improve them.

From the point of view of the Constitution of the Italian Republic, the ecomuseum as a process of active citizenship which, through the principle of subsidiarity (art.118), has as its goal the care of the landscape and heritage (art.9) to the material and spiritual progress of society (art. 4) and the full development of the person (art. 3).

Thus the ecomuseum of Parabiago, thanks to a path of permanent participation, has become a pact with which the community is committed to working together for the care of the territory. The community has identified the common heritage to be managed: about 50 monuments, places of culture, sport and nature have been studied and mapped; in some cases the redevelopment was planned and implemented.

Name of the person in charge

Raffaele Cucchi, Mayor

Raul Dal Santo, Manager

Focus Areas

Community engagement, education and empowerment, The sustainable heritage use for environmental, social and economic development of communities, The achievement of the UN 2030 sustainable development goals and climate justice, Cooperation with and between community-based museums on national and bi-regional levels, Sustainable living communities and territorial development and the protection and enhancement of cultural landscapes

Number of ecomuseum team members


Qualification/training of team members

3 team members with natural sciences training

What unique situations and initiatives have you undertaken or do you plan that were not captured in our initial survey?


What are the most pressing problems or opportunities in your community that can be leveraged to address the sustainable development?

climate change

What unique features of your institution can be leveraged to address the sustainable development?

people empowerment

Do your institution evaluate projects impacts?


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Nº: 2020-1-ES01-KA204- 082769

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