Giusy Pappalardo joined the group Ecomuseums and wetlands 1 month ago
Giusy Pappalardo joined the group Ecomuseums and tourism 1 month ago
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago posted an update in the group Ecomuseum activities 6 months, 4 weeks ago
After the The 7-Generation Bioregional Earth Summit for the Greater Tkaronto Bioregion (GTB), a Design School is just started the ads part of the GTB Bioregional… -
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago posted an update in the group Rete ecomusei italiani 7 months ago
A chi e a che cosa serve il gran Tour degli Ecomusei d’Italia organizzato per Minom Catania 2024 ?Quando un ospite che viene da lontano porta nuove prospettive e…
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago posted an update in the group Rete ecomusei italiani 7 months ago
L’interessante conclusione dell’intervento di Hugues de Varine a Minom Catania 2024 merita la riflessione degli Ecomusei d’Italia : “non posso che constatare… -
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago posted an update in the group Ecomuseum activities 7 months ago
7 Generations Bioregional Earth SummitThe highlights of the last day of the are in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBvxKv2Ie4M
It summarizes the conference… -
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago replied to the topic Eventi per gli ecomusei italiani in the forum Rete ecomusei italiani 7 months ago
I momenti salienti dell’ultima giornata del Summit della Terra Bioregionale delle 7 Generazioni sono nel video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBvxKv2Ie4M
Riassume le sessioni del convegno e spiega come possiamo lavorare alla storia della “Terra bioregionale”.La GTB (Greater Tkaronto Bioregion) sta guidando e imparando dalle bioregioni che si…[Read more]
Jorge Contreras Ubric joined the group Ecomuseums and wetlands 9 months, 1 week ago
Jorge Contreras Ubric joined the group Ecomuseums and tourism 9 months, 1 week ago
Oscar joined the group Ecomuseums and tourism 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Lisa Pigozzi started the topic How ecomuseums can foster sustainable tourism? in the forum Ecomuseums and tourism 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Maggi (2004) defined ecomuseums as: “a pact of caring between a community and its heritage”. The main aim of social museology processes is to give an answer to local community needs, and to being the mirror of the community itself (Riviere, 1985). If local people become curators of their heritage, they can also be narrators and guide for…[Read more] -
Aida Yáñez-Sedeño joined the group Ecomuseums and tourism 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Lisa Pigozzi created the group Ecomuseums and tourism 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Lisa Pigozzi joined the group Ecomuseums and wetlands 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Aida Yáñez-Sedeño joined the group Ecomuseums and wetlands 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago started the topic UK & Ireland Ecomuseum Network in practice in the forum UK & Ireland Ecomuseum Network 9 months, 2 weeks ago
With this group we aim to connect ecomuseum and community heritage projects in the UK and Ireland to share practices, ideas, resources and experiences.
What UK & Ireland Ecomuseums did in 2023 and want to do in 2024? -
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio di Parabiago started the topic A coalition for wetlands in the forum Ecomuseums and wetlands 9 months, 2 weeks ago
We wrote a draft Agreement for international cooperation among ecomuseums and community museums dealing with wetlands aims to promote wetland conservation and sustainable management through public participation, education, and respecting environmental rights as defined in agreements like Ramsar and Escazú.
Ecomuseums and community museums will…[Read more]
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