Giusy Pappalardo


Giusy Pappalardo

User Type



Metropolitan city of Catania, Italy



Contact Name

Giusy Pappalardo

Contact Email

Contact Phone


Focus Areas

Community engagement, education and empowerment, Sustainable living communities and territorial development and the protection and enhancement of cultural landscapes, Research

What unique situations and initiatives have you undertaken or do you plan that were not captured in our initial survey?

I am currently exploring the possibilities of intersecting spatial planning with a community-based approach to heritage and landscapes’ regeneration. I am interested in all the forms of insurgent museologies that can contribute to improve democratic planning processes and policy making, toward the goal of socio-ecological justice for the most distressed communities

What are the most pressing problems or opportunities in your community that can be leveraged to address the sustainable development?

Problems of adandonment, depopulation, “wasting relations” (see Armiero, M. 2021, Wasteocene, Cambridge university press), and mafia dynamics. Opportunities are related to the active engagement of researchers and the civil society in processes of interaction and co-production with some individuals inside the institutional machines

What unique features of your institution can be leveraged to address the sustainable development?

Action research, trans-disciplinarity, engaged scholarship, service and action learning

Do your institution evaluate projects impacts?


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Nº: 2020-1-ES01-KA204- 082769

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