Call for partners and communications.
Museums and Ecomuseums in Wetlands: a timely dialogue
Inside the 6º Seminário Brasileiro de Museologia we proposed a specific session SEBRAMUS GT13 to establish intersections between museology and heritage in wetlands and to contribute to the definition of a specific field that deals with the management of heritage resources in these ecosystems, considering their importance for the survival of the planet.
We subline the importance of synergies between UNESCO multilateral agreements and relevant heritage charters, in particular the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (1971) and the Convention on World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972).
Of particular interest will be communications describing strategies for the long-term involvement of micro- and macro-communities, bioregion multi-stakeholder cooperation and international networks, including examples of successful partnerships and highlighting the benefits and challenges of such engagement.
Finally, we hope that the results of the proposed dialogue will highlight the importance and responsibility of the performance of museums and ecomuseums in wetlands for their sustainable, democratic and plural enjoyment.
More informations about communications and subscriptions available at: