Connecting the 21 Principles of Ecomuseums, the Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action

This chapter by Henry McGhie delves into the active role of ecomuseums in supporting Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), stressing their capacity to contribute actively rather than passively aligning with the goals. It scrutinizes the 21 Principles of Ecomuseums in the context of SDGs, outlining how ecomuseums can plan and implement activities to actively address SDGs. The text uses climate action in ecomuseums as a bottom-up approach example to mobilize museums for sustainable development challenges. It underlines the necessity for public engagement and the right to development as fundamental human rights.

The discussion reflects on Agenda 2030 as a rights-based agenda, critiquing traditional diplomatic approaches and emphasizing the shift from the Millennium Development Goals to Agenda 2030. The “5 Ps” of Agenda 2030 (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership) are explored as intentional commitments, highlighting their foundational role in achieving the SDGs.
Explores ecomuseums’ role in sustainable development, focusing on education, inclusion, and participation rooted in human rights. It emphasizes the potential of cultural institutions, especially ecomuseums, to support the right to participate in cultural life and contribute to sustainable development.

Furthermore, the text discusses the “21 Principles” for ecomuseums, emphasizing their contribution potential to sustainable development. It recognizes ecomuseums’ focus on local identity, sense of place, and positive community transformation, suggesting a greater role for museums in human rights and sustainable development.

Also touches on a project, “Reimagining Museums for Climate Action,” which engaged global participants in rethinking museums’ role in addressing environmental challenges. The text concludes by highlighting ecomuseums’ crucial role in promoting sustainable development, supporting SDGs, and participating in rights-based environmental actions, including climate initiatives on a global scale.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Nº: 2020-1-ES01-KA204- 082769

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