
  • Jorge Contreras Ubric posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    Attention all heritage enthusiasts! Did you know that participation in the management of our shared heritage is crucial to its preservation and sustainability? And one of the best ways to participate is joining an ecomuseum!

    Ecomuseums are unique institutions that focus on the natural and cultural heritage of a specific region or community. They involve local residents, visitors, and experts in the management of heritage sites and promote sustainable development of the area. By participating in ecomuseums, we not only learn about the history and culture of a place, but also actively contribute to its conservation.

    In ecomuseums, visitors are encouraged to engage with the community, interact with the local people, and learn about the area’s natural resources and cultural heritage. This hands-on experience fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the heritage of the region. By working together, we can protect and preserve the sites and traditions that make our communities unique.

    Participating in ecomuseums also provides economic benefits to the community. The tourism industry can boost the local economy and provide employment opportunities, while preserving the heritage of the region. When visitors learn about the history and culture of a place, they are more likely to appreciate and value it. This appreciation can lead to increased support for heritage conservation and sustainable development in the area.

    So, let’s take an active role in the management of our shared heritage by participating in ecomuseums. We invite you to actively join the European Ecomuseums Online Network (EEON) sharing your experience and activities, as well as related content and useful resources. This is a community to share knowledge, this is EcoHeritage.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Nº: 2020-1-ES01-KA204- 082769

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